Saturday, February 27, 2010
Mission Accomplished.
I say mission accomplished because at the start of the winter me and my buddy pat wanted to say we surfed and snowboarded in the same day. Now I didn't go to a mountain, but pat's backyard is close enough. We hit the jump and the jersey barrier again. I was much improved from the last time. That made up for my shitty surfing. I tested out my new/free 5/4/3 that I got, and guess what, It leaks. As soon as i paddled out the suit flooded with cold water and my legs were cold the whole time. After about a half hour my legs started cramping up hard. Riding waves was basically impossible at that point. Very frustrating because the waves were awesome. I saw some people getting huge barrels and throwing some sick turns. I knew I should have been doing the same but oh well, I'm not gonna make excuses. I sucked. At least my friend pat got a sick ride so it wasn't completely pointless. Changing in the snow was probably one of the most miserable experiences of surfing in the winter so far. I forgot my sweatpants at home, I was very cold.
All in all a good day.
Today I worked from 10-7. Now I'm sitting at home and relaxing drinking some Blue Moon.
Tomorrow I'm getting a new tattoo then going into the city for my parents' birthdays (mom 2/18 dad 3/2). Don't tell anyone I'm getting another tattoo though, I haven't told anyone, keep it shhhhhhh. It's a surprise.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
I need to get away.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Sorry for the delay Ace.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
No means of Transportation.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Busy Busy Busy.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Fail and Success.

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Follow the Fish
KobyFive from Paul Fisher on Vimeo.
This is a good night out in Bali with me and Koby going mad. I bet Koby $100 that he couldn't kiss 5 chicks in one hour. This is probably my favorite clip of this year. Hope you enjoy.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Lately I’ve been listening to all different sorts of music. I’ve always been into music and I have a shitload on my computer, but it’s all the same type of music. Basically its G. Love, Sublime, and blink 182 and all bands that are similar to them. Yeah, sure I have some grateful dead and other older music sprinkled in, but for the most part just those 3 bands and bands who are similar. However, as of late I’ve been going off the deep end and listening to some new shit (new for me at least). I even downloaded a country CD (probably the first and last). Zac Brown band, they’re country, but not your typical country. I saw them live on the Tonight show (formerly the tonight show) with Conan O’brien.
Here, peep this videbro (mispelt on purpose).
I’m not saying that I’m this perfectly open and tolerant person, because by no means is that the case. However this is something I’ve realized I need to get better at, and I have. I’d like to thank my ex girlfriend for bringing that to my attention. Just because you were brought up that way, doesn’t mean that is THE only way or the right way. Your opinion isn’t always right, try to not be stubborn and look at things through someone else’s shoes. I guess that’s one good thing I got out of that relationship, oh yeah and a sweet Nixon watch. No, I’m just kidding, well not really I did get the watch, but that’s terrible. I got an IPod too J. (good thing she’ll probably never read this). I think if we all did that, we’d be a little better off. I always do that, or tell my friends to do that when they’re being a dick or an asshole to someone. Like ditching a friend or playing a prank or some shit like that. I make them think and I say “how’d you feel if that was you all alone getting laughed at.” Sometimes I see them realize “oh shit your right” and sometimes they just laugh and continue doing what they’re doing. Oh well, what can you do.
Well I’m done being a Philasoraptor (like the dinosaur, but not). I have a full day of class ahead of me and I was just thinking about this on the train commute and felt like sharing.