I skipped school to go surfing today with my friend. Only to find out this morning he doesn't have a car today either. I've been staring at the webcam for the past hour going mad. I need to get back in the water it's been almost 2 months since I surfed good waves, and almost one month since I've even been in the water (shitty waves that day, I missed the good ones because I was at work all day).
This is what the webcam looks like right now:

Thats about chest high, perfect little barrels to tuck into.
Swells here on the east coast are here and gone sometimes in a matter of hours. It's not like the west coast where a swell and waves will linger for a week. These winter time nor'easters usually work like this: Wind blows up the coast, storm arrives, too windy and messy to surf, storm leaves, waves clean up, waves disappear with storm and go to Europe. That means as soon as the stormy part of the storm system leaves we have a 12-24 hour window to get the waves. After that the north northwest winds blow the storm out to sea, sending europe one of those week long lingering swells/waves. Make sense? I kind of simplified it, maybe too much. Us surfers are all mini-meteorologists.
Bottom line, the waves will be gone by the time I have a car, and then its going to be flat again. We've had 3 or 4 days these past months where there waves for a few hours. I missed all of them due to work and school. I had enough of that, so I skipped class to surf (I'll deal with those consequences for sure on tuesday, stress). That didn't work out to well. I'm very upset, but oh well. I probably sound like a whiney little bitch, but I don't care. Who in their right mind would bitch and moan about not being able to go dive into 35 degree water in 30 degree air temps with 20mph winds, and on top of that basically get naked in the snow while changing in and out of my wetsuit. I'll tell you who, me. If your a surfer you can understand where I'm coming from. If your not a surfer, I can't really explain it. All I can say is go surf, just don't surf where I am :).
Where is the cam-shot from? Unreal.
ReplyDeleteA place out east, by the hamptons.