My Ordinary Life

Please Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Step my game up

I've been out of the blogging game for a while now. I've got to get back into it.

Quick little rundown of whats been going in the life of me.

-Went to Europe successfully
-No job all summer
-Semi Job and surfing a lot right now (awesome hurricane season so far)
-Getting more serious about my pictures
-School still sucks, possibly transferring again (fourth times the charm?).

That doesn't even begin to go into of what my life's been like the past 7 months. But I would also hope someone's life can't be put into 5 bullet points, that'd be a pretty boring life. Even if they were 5 awesome bullet points. Mine are okay, 2 out of the 5 are cool. Your guess as to which of the two I'm talking about

I'll throw up some pictures from Europe tomorrow or something.

Also some surf pictures from the past few swells.

I need to wake up in 3 hours for class.

A) I hate school and responsibility
B) I may hate insomnia even more
C) I may hate this post more than that because it's senseless half sleep rambling. Deal with it?